Grain has been ground in the Dittligmühle since the middle of the 19th century. The original mill with water wheel and millstone has developed into a modern production facility in recent years. The latest technologies meet old craftsmanship here and can be visited in Switzerland's first foam mill.
Visit the mill individually. A 10-minute film explains how flour is made from grain. Exciting information boards await you on the signalised tour through the visitor corridor of the mill. You can also follow the processes shown to you in the film live. How about a bite to eat in the antique self-service café? The charming self-service café is located directly in the old grinding mill of the mill. Relax in the old mill or on the sun terrace while enjoying homemade «Güezi» (biscuits), crispbreads etc. made from Gantrisch-Goldkorn baking mixes.
Visit the mill individually. A 10-minute film explains how flour is made from grain. Exciting information boards await you on the signalised tour through the visitor corridor of the mill. You can also follow the processes shown to you in the film live. How about a bite to eat in the antique self-service café? The charming self-service café is located directly in the old grinding mill of the mill. Relax in the old mill or on the sun terrace while enjoying homemade «Güezi» (biscuits), crispbreads etc. made from Gantrisch-Goldkorn baking mixes.
Your highlights at a glance
- Switzerland's first modern foam mill
- Antique café in the old grist mill (self-service)
- Goldkorn shop with certified bread baking mixes and muesli from the Gantrisch Nature Park
- Beautiful sun terrace with nostalgia park
To note to make your outing perfect
- Please note opening hours
- Notification required for groups of 10 or more
- Mill does not always run. Increased noise level in the visitor corridor during operation
- Visitor corridor is not heated
- Antique caféand video room are barrier-free, the Schaumühle itself is not barrier-free