Bachwochen Thun: Abschlusskonzert


For the final concert of the Bachwochen Thun 2024, the Swiss Youth Choir, conducted by Nicolas Fink, is teaming up with the Orchestra La Scintilla and an excellent quartet of soloists.
Music expresses feelings - from deep sadness to comforting certainty to exuberant joy, to name just a very broad spectrum. The Swiss Youth Choir under the direction of Nicolas Fink will also bring a whole kaleidoscope of emotions to the Stadtkirche Thun at the end of the Bachwochen Thun 2024. The young singers will present the lively Pentecost cantata "Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten!" and the cantata "Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis", which develops from deep distress and despair into consolation and praise of God. They will be accompanied on period instruments by the Orchestra La Scintilla, the baroque orchestra of Zurich Opera House.

"The best concerts are the ones where the applause doesn't start immediately after the final chord. This was also the case with the Bachwochen Mass in B minor, after which there was silence for a minute until it was abruptly broken by enthusiastic applause and standing ovations." Thuner Tagblatt

Miriam Feuersinger soprano
Claude Eichenberger alto
Raphael Höhn Tenor
Lisandro Abadie Bass
Swiss Youth Choir | Orchestra La Scintilla | Nicolas Fink Conductor

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Cantata "Shout out, you songs, resound, you strings!", BWV 172
Motet "Jesu meine Freude", BWV 227
Cantata "I had much sorrow", BWV 21

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Door opening: 16.30 hrs


Sunday, the 08.09.2024


Good to know

Price info

1st category: CHF 70.00
2nd category: CHF 50.00
Up to 25 years: CHF 25.00
Up to 16 years: CHF 5.00

Contact person

Bachwochen Thun, Geschäftsstelle
3600 Thun


Getting there
Stadtkirche Thun
Schlossberg 14
3600 Thun