Briensermärt 2024


Customs, Market
A village festival since 1626 with market stalls, carousel and shooting galleries.
A village festival with market stalls, carousel and shooting galleries. The Briensermärt has been around since 1626, and this year there will once again be celebrations and shopping along the main street in Brienz.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

The main market for the entire market area (Hauptstrasse between Schleegasse and Trachtlistrasse) is on Thursday, November 14, 2024.

On Wednesday, November 13, 2024, individual stalls will mainly be located between Schleegasse and Bärenplatz (set-up possible from 12.00 noon). The Rössli game and the amusement rides start at 2.00 pm.


Thursday, the 14.11.2024

All day

Good to know

Contact person

Gemeindeverwaltung Brienz
Hauptstrasse 204
3855 Brienz


Getting there
Brienz Dorf
3855 Brienz