Chäsmärt 2023


Customs, Market
Alpine cheese is lovingly produced by hand every summer on numerous Habker alps. Always on the last Saturday in September, the cheese variety is presented at the market on the Bärenplatz.
Every summer, alpine cheese is lovingly produced by hand on numerous Habker alps. Always on the last Saturday in September, the cheese variety is presented at the market on the Bärenplatz.
In addition to the sale of alpine cheese, Hobelkäse and Mutschli from various Habker alps, homemade specialties such as Sonntagszopf, Brätzeli and jam are for sale.
The event will be framed by a restaurant. The popular "Chäsbrätel" may not be missing, of course. Further there is:
- a petting zoo,
- pony rides from 12 o'clock
- and a competition (you can win a whole alpine cheese - raffle at 5 pm).

A special highlight are the folk performances:
- Habkern Yodelling Club
- Alphorn players
- Flag wavers Habkern
- Children's dance group Habkern
- Schwyzerörgeli formation

Place: Village square Habkern

Realization in all weather conditions.

Kindly invites:
IG Chäsmärt Habkern

We are looking forward to your visit!

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Saturday, the 28.09.2024



Getting there
Chäsmärt 2023
3804 Habkern